Mihai Balaj : English
Mihai Balaj
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£15.64 / €18.12 / $20.17
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 Hello, my name is Mihai Balaj and I'm an experienced English language tutor currently living in Romania. I have been teaching English online since 2013. I am currently offering a free initial trial lesson for new students. 
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About me - English

Languages, as well as literature, have been a part of my life since childhood.

Truth be told, the memory of my first English lesson is stored so far in my brain, I simply can’t reach it.

Languages and language learning have been an integral part of my life. I think that by the time I was in the first grade I was fluent in English and Italian.

I hope to be able to show other people the pleasures of language learning, even if at times, the road is filled with rocks and holes.

Qualifications & Experience

After I finished high school, I was thrilled I could focus my efforts on studying English and Romanian full-time in college at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Laşi.

I obtained my Degree in Philology specializing in English\Romanian language and literature. After graduation I continued my studies with an MA in English literature, culture and language.

During my undergraduate years I also took teaching courses and I am a fully qualified English\Romanian language teacher.

I have worked as an English teacher at kindergarten during my undergraduate years and after I graduated I taught English in the Romanian public schooling system (English and Romanian from the 5th grade up to the 9th grade). In all I have been teaching English for 4 years now.

When it comes to tutoring I have had the chance to teach both adults and children alike, from Romania and abroad.

Teaching Approach

I tend to use several approaches according to the needs of my student.

I might use the audio-lingual method at some point or the communicative approach.

Tutoring is not about generalizing. It is about identifying the individual needs of a learner and their particular strengths and weaknesses. This being said, I do not believe in focusing on just one skill. I view reading, writing, speaking, listening and grammar as being equally important.

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About me - Romanian

Născut şi crescut în Romănia, dintodeauna mi-au plăcut limbile străine îmi doresc ca să pot împărtaşi şi la alte persoane această plăcere.

Qualifications & Experience

Sunt un vorbitor nativ de limba Romana. Limbile străine şi limba romănă sunt o parte integrală din viaţa mea, am terminat litere cu specializarea limbă şi literatură engleză\română la ,,Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi. Am continuat studiile cu un master în limbă, literatură şi cultură engleză făcut la aceeaşi instituţie. De asemenea am terminat şi modulul psihopedagogic şi sunt un profesor calificat de limba şi literatură engleză\română.

Ca experienţă am lucrat în învăţământul de stat obligatoriu ca profesor de limba engleză şi română timp de trei ani de zile după ce am terminat facultatea am şi predat limba română la străini. Am predat un an de zile limba engleză la grădinţă pe perioada licenţei.

Teaching Approach

Tehnicile mele de predare sunt centrate pe elev. De regula după o şedinţă sau două realizez de ce fel exerciţi are nevoie elevul şi lecţiile mele vor fi făcute în concordanţă cu nevoile individuale ale elevului.

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