Maricla Amoriello : Italian
Maricla Amoriello
Italian Native
Sessions: 0
 Not Rated
£30.65 / €35.07 / $39.29
Trial: Free
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 Hello, my name is Maricla Amoriello and I'm an experienced native Italian language tutor currently living in Italy. I have been teaching Italian online since 2016. I am currently offering a free initial trial lesson for new students. 
About me - English

I grew up in different cities in the South,between the sea and the mountains,and I immediately fell in love with life and the sun. I started to dance,act and learn that dreams are numerous,constantly changing and evolving. I chase them and I revolutionize them, because I never have enough of life. I invent myself and re-invent myself.

Italian is my native language, in which I earned a Bachelor of Science in Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Mediation Applied to the Economic, Judicial and Social Fields with an Emphasis in International and Cross-Cultural Activities at University "La Statale" of Milan.

Now, I am a qualified Italian Teacher for Foreigners, who has taught Italian as second language in Rome for four years, including with Dante Alighieri Italian Institute where I taught a range of classes including Italian language for the Arts, Culture and Italian language classes to adult groups and individuals.

Since January 2010 to May 2010 I taught at Arcadia – University of Philadelphia in collaboration with Accademia Italiana Arte-Moda-Design in Rome. I taught culture and Italian language to American University students.

At the same time, I was teaching Italian and Culture courses at various Embassies in Rome to Diplomats, Ambassadors and their children.

Since June to August 2010 I taught Italian as Foreign Language in London for Affinitalia, and as freelance private Tutor for Professionals and students studying for the A - Level Certification.

After that, I taught Italian as Second Language for CILS preparation at Pontifical North American College in Rome for Capturator.

In 2008 I achieved Level II Ditals Certification for teaching Italian as Second Language and Italian as Foreign Language (L2/LS) at University for Foreigners of Siena, after my Teacher Training at Leonardo Da Vinci Italian School in Rome.

Since December 2009 I have been a member of APIDIS (Italian Teachers for Foreigners Professional Association) ; and since May 2012 I have been member of ANILS (Teachers of Foreign Languages' Association).

Qualifications & Experience

MY EXPERIENCE: Graduated in Political Sciences in Milan,I started to work in NGOs and to form an attachment to the ‘foreign’ as an experience of enrichment and never of division.I obtained the DITALS Certification and started to do the best job in the world:teaching Italian to foreigners.

I worked for 4 years for many Schools in Rome and London,and after losing my fondness for them,I started to freelance for international Organizations,Embassies and private clients.

On 3rd January 2011,my Italian School for Foreigners,Koiné- Italian Language Centre,was born. Koiné,a common language with which one can be understood (from the Greek, κοινὴ διάλεκτος),but it is also a community in which it is possible to recognise,discover and enrich oneself.

-I organize multi-linguistic events where Italians and Foreigners meet,have fun and exchange life and travel experiences,as well as practise their language of interest.

-I welcome my students,accompany them in the learning of my language and culture,and every day I witness the discoveries they make; traveling in their lives and making mine wonderful.

-I guide aspiring Italian L2/LS teachers towards discovering themselves,learning to be serious and effective professionals,and towards abandoning the resistance behind which adults inevitably conceal themselves,forgetting how to play and have fun.

Never forgetting who I was,who I am and who I wish to be.

Teaching Approach

My work is based on the passion and the love for my culture and my language. My classes are carried out in a communicative style which is based on the communicative and humanistic-affective approach.

In my classes, students actively practice the four fundamental functions of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, I give particular attention to conversation, to develop the student’s capacity to express himself or herself and communicate in Italian from the very beginning of the course.

To engage all learners I use a variety of learning techniques and strategies, using sometimes games, involving all students and creating a friendly and nice atmosphere that inspires enthusiasm and happiness in the learning process.

Naturally, this method includes the study of the rules of Italian syntax and grammar, which are essential to learning a foreign language, but which, alone, are not sufficient for gaining a real command of the Italian language.

Expand your Italian with me! It's easier than you think! :-)

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About me - Spanish

QUIEN SOY:crezco en varias ciudades del Sur, entre el mar y la montaña,y me enamoro de la vida y del sol desde el principio.Comienzo a bailar, a representar y a aprender que los sueños son múltiples y en continua transformación y evolución.Los persigo y los revoluciono, porque de la vida no tengo nunca bastante.Me invento y me reinvento.

Qualifications & Experience

MI EXPERIENCIA:me licencio en Ciencias Políticas en Milán, para después comenzar a trabajar en la cooperación internacional y aficionarme a lo “extranjero” como una experiencia de enriquecimiento y nunca de separación.Consigo la Certificación DITALS e inicio el trabajo más maravilloso del mundo:Profesor de italiano para Extranjeros.

Durante cuatro años trabajo para muchas escuelas de Roma y de Londres,me desencanto de ellas y empiezo a trabajar como freelance para Organizaciones Internacionales,Embajadas y privados.

Teaching Approach

QUÉ HAGO:el 3 de enero de 2011 nace mi Escuela de Italiano para Extranjeros:KOINÉ – Centro de la lengua italiana.Koiné,una lengua común y una comunidad en la cual reconocerse,descubrirse y enriquecerse.

-Organizo eventos multi-lingüísticos en los que italianos y extranjeros se encuentran,se divierten y se intercambian experiencias de vida y de viajes,además de practicar el idioma que les interesa.

-Acojo a mis estudiantes,los acompaño a aprender mi lengua y mi cultura,y soy testigo cada día de sus descubrimientos;viajando en sus vidas y haciendo la mía maravillosa.

-Guío a los aspirantes que desean convertirse en profesores de italiano L2/LS a descubrirse,a aprender a ser profesionales serios y eficaces,y a abandonar las resistencias detrás de las que se esconden los adultos por propias experiencias,olvidando el juego y la diversión.

No olvidando nunca quien era,quien soy y quien deseo ser.

Per aspera ad astra.

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About me - French

QUI SUIS-JE? Je grandis dans plusieurs villes du Sud de l’Italie,entre mer et montagne,et je tombe immédiatement amoureuse du soleil et la vie en général.

Je commence à danser,à jouer la comédie et j’apprends que les rêves sont infinis,qu’ils changent et évoluent constamment.Je les poursuis et je les révolutionne avec toujours cette soif de vivre.Je m’invente et me réinvente.

Qualifications & Experience

MON EXPERIENCE? Après avoir obtenu mon diplôme en Sciences-politiques à Milan,je commence à travailler dans la coopération internationale et je m’attache à «l’étranger»,un facteur d’enrichissement et jamais de division.J’obtiens la Certification DITALS et j’entreprends le plus beau métier du monde:l’enseignement de la langue italienne aux étrangers.

Je travaille pendant 4 ans pour de nombreuses écoles à Rome et comme freelance pour des Organisations internationales, des Ambassades et des privés.

Teaching Approach

MON TRAVAIL? le 3 janvier 2011 voit le jour mon école d’Italien pour étrangers:Koiné - Italian Language Centre.

-J’organise des évènements multilingues où Italiens et étrangers se rencontrent,s’amusent et échangent leurs expériences de vie et leurs récits de voyages en plus de pratiquer la langue de leur choix.

-J’accueille mes étudiants,je les accompagne dans l’apprentissage de ma langue et de ma culture et chaque jour j’assiste à leurs découvertes,je voyage dans leurs vies et ils enrichissent la mienne.

-Je guide les futurs enseignants d’Italien L2/LS à se découvrir,à apprendre à être des professionnels sérieux et efficaces et à abandonner les résistances derrière lesquelles,par la force des choses,les adultes se cachent oubliant ainsi de s’amuser et de se divertir.

Je n’oublie jamais qui j’étais, qui je suis et qui je souhaite devenir.

Per aspera ad astra.

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