Alice A. : Englisch
Alice A.
Klassen: 4
 Keine Daten
£40.66 / €46.37 / $52.03
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Alice A. und ich bin ein erfahrener Englisch lehrer, der derzeit in Italien lebt. Ich unterrichte Englisch seit Januar 2018. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
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Über mich - Englisch

My name is Alice and I help people with their love for languages.

My aim is to help students that love learning foreign languages and that need to improve their overall skills.

In the past, I taught in state funded schools in England (GCSEs and ‘A’ levels), in private international schools, and in foreign languages schools.

I have experience teaching English, Italian and French to people of different nationalities (including British, American, Australian, Brazilian, Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian and many others).

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

- Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE MFL) from the University of Cumbria (UK).

- Master's degree in Professional Translation (English,Italian, Spanish) from Swansea University (UK).

- B.A. (Hons) in Translation and Interpreting from Scuola Universitaria Per Mediatori Linguistici di Vicenza (Tertiary Institution for Translators and Interpreters of Vicenza, Italy)

for English, Italian, and French.

- TDA QTS skills test (Literacy, Numeracy, ICT).

- Cambridge University Certificate of Proficiency in English.

- TOEFL (American Language Computer Based Test).


 How do I know what my students need?

When I first meet my students, I always ask what their goals are, so that I can base my lessons on those and I can make sure I cater for all their needs.

My lessons can be based on speaking, listening, writing, reading, grammar, and culture or just focus on one specific aspect.

 What can I help you with?

- Work presentations, University assignments or any other school and business-related material,

- To communicate in the real world (while travelling, moving to a foreign country for work or study).

Looking forward to have a lesson with you!

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