Brenda Carmen Naylor : Englisch
Brenda Carmen Naylor
Englisch Native
Klassen: 927
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 101 100% Positiv
£26.77 / €31.53 / $33.42
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Brenda Carmen Naylor und ich bin ein erfahrener Englisch lehrer, der derzeit in Vereinigte Staaten lebt. Ich unterrichte Englisch seit Oktober 2011. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor 12 Apr 2024
 A perfect teacher. Very kind, cultured, with a fantastic sense of humor. You absolutely must take a trial lesson. 
tutor 02 Aug 2022
Daniel O
 Excellent. Very friendly and attentive.  
tutor 27 Jan 2022
Omowaye P
 She is intelligent, diligent, passionate, patient, a good listener, kind and the best human tutor i have ever met. A trial will convince you.....pls book a class with her! 
tutor 25 Jan 2022
Eden C
 Great Experience! 
tutor 25 Aug 2021
 Nice person! Felt like taking with a friend, you won't regret taking her class. 
tutor 20 Mai 2021
 Brenda is the great teacher and kindly supports the students. She is a good listener to discuss with the student's needs. I'm very glad to teach with her in my English studying with native speaker. So, I would like to highly recommend to her for your language improvement. Thank you so much Brenda. 
  (101) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch

I have had the opportunity to live in different countries for extended periods of time, learned the languages of these places and got immersed in their culture. I presently maintain residency both in the United States and in Italy.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I have a degree in Development Communication and major in Broadcasting. In Italy I trained as a language- cultural mediator and co-founded a nonprofit organization that offers intercultural services and fosters understanding of different cultures.

We work with schools and other groups in promoting cultural diversity and facilitating the integration of immigrant children and their families through mediation, language courses, workshops and seminars.

I have a TESOL certificate from the American TESOL Institute in Tampa, FL. I taught English for a couple of years in Nepal and have done private ESL tutoring and small conversation groups in Italy for the past 15 years.

I am also an herbalist and holistic health practitioner.


Lessons are highly personalized based on individual needs and interests, with emphasis on communication and language skills applied in real life situations and experiences. I aim to make each lesson instructional, practical and enjoyable, making the learning process a meaningful and fun experience for both teacher and student.

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Über mich - Italienisch

Ho avuto l’opportunità di vivere in diversi paesi per lunghi periodi, imparando le lingue e immergendomi nelle culture di quei luoghi. Attualmente vivo tra l'Italia e la Florida -USA.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Sono laureata in Comunicazione dello Sviluppo, con specializzazione in broadcasting.

In Italia mi sono formata come mediatrice linguistico culturale e ho co-fondato un’organizzazione no profit che offre servizi interculturali e favorisce l’incontro tra diverse culture.

Lavoriamo con le scuole e altri gruppi promuovendo la diversità culturale e facilitando l’integrazione di bambini stranieri e delle loro famiglie attraverso attività di mediazione, corsi di lingua, laboratori e seminari.

Sono insegnante di inglese certificata TESOL, American Tesol Institute di Tampa, Florida.

Ho insegnato inglese per 2 anni in una scuola in Nepal e per 15 anni in Italia come tutor privato in ESL, facendo lezione individuale e di conversazione a piccoli gruppi.


Le mie lezioni sono altamente personalizzate e si basano sugli interessi e i bisogni delle persone. Viene data primaria importanza alla capacità di comunicare e le abilità linguistiche che vengono sviluppate sono riferite a situazioni ed esperienze di vita reale. Cerco di rendere ogni lezione istruttiva, pratica e piacevole, cercando di trasformare il processo di apprendimento in un’esperienza divertente ed interessante, sia per lo studente che per l’insegnante.

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