Laura Dincă Mason : Rumänisch
Laura Dincă Mason
Rumänisch Native
Klassen: 979
Letzte klasse: Gestern
 153 100% Positiv
£21.25 / €25.08 / $26.64
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Laura Dincă Mason und ich bin ein erfahrener Rumänisch lehrer, der derzeit in Kanada lebt. Ich unterrichte Rumänisch seit Februar 2013. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor kt1917
United States
 Mulțumesc, Laura, for being an excelent și patient instructor! O zi bună! 
tutor kt1917
United States
 Multumesc mult for slowing down the pace, which allows me to better learn the lesson. I look forward to the next lesson next week! 
tutor kt1917
United States
 I'm feeling more confident with my speaking abilities and, as always, I appreciate Laura's encouragement, which means a lot to me. 
tutor kt1917
United States
 I look forward to preparing the audio review, which I think would be very helpful to me. Thanks. 
tutor kt1917
United States
 Thank you for allowing me to not have to worry too much about the material. I know I'm stressing out, but I'll practice according to your directions of listening and preparing answers to the questions. 
tutor kt1917
United States
 It was a nice introduction to the structure of the lesson plan, which gave me encouragement and confidence to prepare for the next lesson. Also, I appreciated the audio and written materials, which are helpful. 
  (153) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch

I'm native Romanian, professor of Romanian language and EFL with Master in Romanian at University of Philology in Bucharest, Romania .

Also I'm a certified teacher, ESL and translator/interpreter in NS, Canada.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I have extensive experience of tutoring Romanian in my home country as well on line professionals ( doctors, international medical students, engineers, business consultants, etc) from USA, Canada, England, Danemark and Australia.

I love teaching Romanian , am a very enthusiastic and creative teacher according to the learners interests and expectations.

I was teaching Romanian for long time in Braşov, Romania and was tutoring Romanian to Romanian students ( for academic exams) as well to foreigners ( one -on one)

I've been tutoring on line- Skype for eight years ( beginner, intermediate and advanced levels) , have a flexible work schedule trying to accommodate to the learners' interests. Also, I am an experimented Romanian language tutor for foreign learners who need academic exams for language testing.


Romanian is the Language of my Heart

My Romanian and EFL/ESL lessons with audio will help to learn the languages or improve through conversation, reading, listening and writing. They will tailor the students to express clearly in social, business, situations, academic or travel purposes.The lessons are always student-centered, interactive, related to real life and cultural situations.

Regarding my teaching techniques, I provide plenty of materials for conversation, grammar, Romanian traditions trying to cater my learners` goals and interests, offering constant feed backs through homework corrections and explanations.Our lessons on Skype will offer instant dialogues,vocabulary and expressions clarifications whenever will be necessary.

With excellent results, I fully exploit the potential of different materials: books, you tube short Romanian movies,newspapers, literature, art, history, etc.

I`m an enthusiast and reliable teacher , love very much tutoring on line and have a flexible work schedule according to the clients` interests.

I look forward to open you a door towards the beauty of my native language.

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