Marvey Kelechi c : Englisch
Marvey Kelechi c
Englisch Native
Klassen: 1
 Keine Daten
£19.42 / €22.94 / $24.38
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Marvey Kelechi c und ich bin ein erfahrener Englisch lehrer, der derzeit in Vereinigte Staaten lebt. Ich unterrichte Englisch seit Februar 2013. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Über mich - Englisch

I am passionate about helping people and I am passionate about teaching English.

I love meeting new people and travelling to different countries. I am all about bringing change to the world and I believe without language you cannot communicate the change.

I have travelled extensively, lived in different parts of the world and learned about different cultures. I have taught in different institutions for several years.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I have a B.S in Biology, MA in organizational management, MS in Education and an MD. I love learning which is what fuels my passion to help people around me learn. I also have a certification in education.

I have been teaching online as a tutor of English language and various subjects since 2007.

I really enjoy teaching English and have been teaching English since 1996. I have taught people from all walks of life, different ages etc. I can teach one on one and have also taught in a big classroom setting.

I am an Education Consultant, I have volunteered in and schools and made professional recommendations regarding the quality of services provided within the schools.


I teach with various materials and resources based on the clients needs.

I love to make the student feel very comfortable so I usually utilise whatever their interest and passion is. It makes it easier for them to understand. For example if a student is interested in sports, I use that to teach them. I also have several books,and other resources that will help the student achieve their goals.

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