Egle Galubaviciute : Litauisch
Egle Galubaviciute
Litauisch Native
Klassen: 7
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 1 100% Positiv
£32.65 / €37.33 / $41.84
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Egle Galubaviciute und ich bin ein erfahrener Litauisch lehrer, der derzeit in Litauen lebt. Ich unterrichte Litauisch seit Mai 2014. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor 01 Okt 2014
 I learn Lithuanian to make my stays in Vilnius easier! Learning with Egle is quite enjoyable. She gives a structured lesson but is always open for a laugh! Also, she always tries different approaches to make learning more easier. Recommendation!! 
Über mich - Englisch


For half of my life I have been teaching Lithuanian as L1 or L2. I am deep in love with this one of the oldest and the most dynamic languages of the world. Meanwhile, I love using and learning other languages, which helps me better understand the experience my students passes through.

After I gained Master in Lithuanian and Applied Linguistics I felt that language is much more than theory alone.

Lithuanian language teaching for foreigners is one of my biggest passions. Let's discover, that learning Lithuanian is fun, easy and enriching!

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Bachelor of Lithuanian philology degree.

Master of Applied Linguistics degree.

- 3 years of Lithuanian teaching as L1 (C2)

- 4 years of Lithuanian teaching as L2 (A1-C1)

- 2 year of teaching English as L2 (B1-B2)

- 1 year of teaching French as L2 (A1-A2)

In total 5 years of various language teaching experience.

Experience in preparing students for exams (any national official exam in Lithuania)


Our lessons will be structured as follows: 70-10-20.

70% of time we talk, 10% we spend on grammar, 20% you work personally.

- I believe we learn through talking, not through silent grammar (except if you demand this),

- I invite my students to act, to imagine, to sing, to draw... and laugh a lot,

- in the very first week we will switch to Lithuanian alone (yes it is fun and possible),

- I will offer you to choose a note book or a "Lesson Sheet" based method,

- I will present You Lithuanian and Baltic culture, as my second passion is professional guiding.

Few tips of mine:

- start speaking and learning right now, dabar!

- make a fun out of language learning!

- using the language from the very beginning is your own responsibility

- set up your goals: what do you want to achieve and when exactly?

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