Zara 雨晨 : Englisch
Zara 雨晨
Englisch Native
Klassen: 409
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 48 100% Positiv
£24.65 / €28.29 / $31.64
Probe: 90% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Zara 雨晨 und ich bin ein erfahrener Englisch lehrer, der derzeit in Schweiz lebt. Ich unterrichte Englisch seit Juni 2014. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 90% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor Kata-cz
 Zara is very friendly and professional. I enjoyed the lesson, it was funny and she gave me good tips how to learn with the help of the internet. I can recommend her. 
tutor Riccuso
 As first time on verbalplanet, it could not be better! Zara is an excellent teacher, who made me feel comfortable from the beginning by talking about many familiar topics: highly recommended! 
tutor Franziska2005
 Thank you! 
tutor Maria Antonietta C
 I liked the lesson with Zara. She is very professional  
tutor Franziska2005
 Thank you!  
tutor Franziska2005
 Thank you! 
  (48) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch


My name is Zara and I can teach you English or Mandarin Chinese.

I used to teach English in China while studying at university, but my full time teaching career began only after graduating. I have been an English language teacher for over 20 years now, both to adults and children. I obtained my teaching certificate (CELTA) in 2008.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I graduated from Beijing Language and Culture University in 2003, with a Bachelor degree in Chinese Language.

I used to teach English in China while studying at university, but my full time teaching career began only after graduating. I have been an English language teacher for over 20 years now, both to adults and children. I obtained my teaching certificate (CELTA) in 2008.

My Chinese teaching experience includes teaching at one primary school, at a university and a number of private schools. Recently I have concentrated mostly on teaching online because that allows me to use unlimited resources off the Internet in my classes, for example audio and video with authentic Chinese speech, presentations which I have prepared in advance and can share online, etc.


Many people say that Chinese is difficult to learn. I say it is not difficult, it is different.

I can help you learn without stress and you can soon find yourself forming entire sentences and being able to survive in some everyday situations.

Learning Chinese is a lot of fun, you find yourself sitting at home repeating over and over sounds that do not make sense to your family.

It also changes the way you approach language learning. Have you had to study a foreign language and sit through boring classes, writing down countless grammar rules and exceptions? There is nothing like that here. Chinese grammar is so simple that there are barely any rules to remember.

Each lesson includes listening, speaking and something I have had the opportunity to learn about China and Chinese people. I believe that knowing the culture helps communicate with people better.

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