Rodica-Ioana Bandila : Rumänisch
Rodica-Ioana Bandila
Rumänisch Native
Klassen: 131
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 11 100% Positiv
£21.65 / €24.90 / $27.82
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Rodica-Ioana Bandila und ich bin ein erfahrener Rumänisch lehrer, der derzeit in Rumänien lebt. Ich unterrichte Rumänisch seit März 2015. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor Su-zan-ne
 Rodica gave a thorough trial Romanian lesson. She taught an overview of the language: touching on basics, giving clear explanations with examples and tips for applying the grammar. 
tutor Paul H
United States
 Ms. Bandila was a fine tutor and very well organized, obviously very experienced at this. I did not have a long time to learn as I was preparing for a trip to Romania in 3 weeks, and she gave me a good introduction to basic phrases and sentences I would use. She was on time and pleasant always. Highly recommended!  
tutor Paul H
United States
 Good introductory lesson with attention to pronunciation.  
tutor Pepplecado
 I really enjoyed my lesson today, she is very nice and the lesson was easy to follow. I was given a learning sheet to understand the sounds and basic greetings. I think she has a very good method of teaching and I can't wait for my next lesson! 
tutor RachelHeather
United Kingdom
 Thank you for my first lesson! I am on holiday until 10th March but will book a lesson for when I return :) 
tutor Aboelsebah
 Very Organized, Very Nice, easy to interact with, I differently recommend her to anybody who wants to learn Romanian. 
  (11) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch

Hi! I'm Rodica and after I experienced teaching in a high school for 10 years, I decided to become a freelance language tutor in a language centre that I have been managing for 15 years.

I have always been an inquisitive and venturing spirit in search of discovering new ways of adapting teaching to the students' needs because, after all, this is the goal of education, isn't it? Since I started, I have put my all my skills, energy, creativity and passion to the service of my students whom I consider as my second family .

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I am a Bachelor of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, the oldest in Romania,

I hold a post-degree certificate in Pedagogy and a Cambridge Proficiency Certificate in English. I have taken part in many training sessions such as Romanian Peace Corps, while assisting American volunteers in learning Romanian, then successfully completed courses organised by Cambridge English, LCCI-London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ECL-European Consortium of Languages and I am an accredited interviewer and assessor for ECL and LCCI exams/ JETSET, English for Business and Tourism.

I have been teaching to all age groups, from children to adults and exam takers, from complete beginners to advanced learners both in English and Romanian. I have taught Romanian to Americans, Turkish, Dutch, Danish people working/studying in our area.

My 25 years of experience has led me to a student-oriented, communicative approach that proves to be very efficient in learning a language.


First lesson will be a getting-to know-each other one, as I consider that becoming familiar with the student/teacher will ensure the necessary studying/teaching environment essential in evaluating each others abilities, learning styles, motivation and goals, an important premise in acquiring confidence and progress.

Then, through a series of carefully scheduled lessons where grammar and vocabulary will be gradually introduced and taught in context in order to build a solid base, we will proceed to the next step-that of building language accuracy necessary in the work/academic environment.

One feature will be standing out - the conversational approach is the starting point - then through a series of vocabulary, grammar games, interactive and integrated skills activities-listening and speaking, reading and writing,continuous revision of old material, we will proceed to the next level; that of language accuracy and proficiency. This will enable the student to debate on a large variety of topics in speaking and writing, including specialized language, understanding complex written , audio-video materials to prepare him/her for the real work or study environment.

All this will be possible by providing the necessary tools and materials such as textbooks, dictionaries, lists, audio-visuals, online additional resources for researching assignments and of course my personal support whenever needed in order to achieve the ultimate goal - the ability to use the language to the full with confidence in all circumstances and environments.

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