Alexandra Lau : Kantonesisch
Alexandra Lau
Kantonesisch Native
Klassen: 0
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 18 95% Positiv
£28.21 / €33.63 / $36.63
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Alexandra Lau und ich bin ein erfahrener Kantonesisch lehrer, der derzeit in Frankreich lebt. Ich unterrichte Kantonesisch seit Juli 2016. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor Anna-smir
 very good class 
tutor sorry12345
 She is so nice. I like her patient her way of speaking she is so funny she is so positive. I hope I will meet you again Good luck  
tutor aliakana
 Alex was enthusiastic and fun to learn with. She corrects and gives examples of how to apply the corrections made. She has very good pronunciation and diction and it really adds to the quality of her teaching. Her classes are not merely a Cantonese language lesson but insight and into asian culture and modes of thinking. 
tutor qingyun
United States
 Alexandra is a great teacher, very patient and really helped me improve my vocabulary. Highly recommend! 
tutor sardinha
 I never had the lesson there was some kind of disenchanter over Skype and I never get the message or connection. 
tutor Adrian W
New Zealand
 Very helpful and prepared with great introductory exercises and phrases! 
  (18) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch

I am always fascinated by my mother tongue Cantonese: the vivid metaphors, the lively expressions, the wit in the language! You share the same view with me, and want to have a flavour of it? Great! Yet you are not quite sure where to start, or you encounter some hiccups here and there along the way? No worries, I am here to help!

I obtained Masters of Arts in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language because I want to assist as many people as possible learn Cantonese, simple as that! My teaching style : I want to make it fun and useful, so I will explore various topics and materials, from newspapers to YouTube, from song to drama, as long as I see fit. And I will work in a communicative way. Grammar work is done from time to time.

If you want to learn Cantonese or about Hong Kong and the language with me, feel free to contact to me.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

2012- Present Freelance translator and teacher of Cantonese

2014 Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language awarded by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2004 Bachelor of Arts in Translation (First Class Honours)


The materials are in form of Google Doc. Audio recordings, YouTube videos and TV programmes in Hong Kong are used as well. For beginners, I shall teach with aid of English. For Intermediate and Advanced learners, the lessons will be conducted in Cantonese and English is used at the minimum level.

Communicative approaches are adopted, but if you would like to drill on some grammar rules, I can also customise the materials for it.

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Über mich - Kantonesisch

大家好﹗我叫Alexandra~ 喺香港出世同生活,由細都大都係講廣東話同英文,到咗大學修讀翻譯(中-英),就學普通話。後來攻讀埋對外漢語碩士,希望可以學以致用,幫到大家學地道嘅香港廣東話~~

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

2004 嶺南大學 (香港) 翻譯文學學士 (一級榮譽)

2014 香港理工大學 對外漢語文學碩士






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