Cristina Ursu : Rumänisch
Cristina Ursu
Rumänisch Native
Klassen: 19
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 4 100% Positiv
£21.17 / €25.41 / $27.67
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Cristina Ursu und ich bin ein erfahrener Rumänisch lehrer, der derzeit in Rumänien lebt. Ich unterrichte Rumänisch seit Januar 2018. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor Su-zan-ne
 Although we could not meet for the lesson, Cristina was very helpful with making other arrangements. 
tutor Heywillwill
United States
 Cristina was really easy to learn from and was understanding the struggles I was having. Cant wait for the next session.  
tutor gcos
United Kingdom
 Had my first lesson with Cristina, and she made me feel at ease, the lesson was fun and at the same time challenging, I got to practice my conversation skills. Good, experienced teacher overall. 
tutor Vernhardo
 Very good preparation, Cristina is a very experienced teacher - already the first hour is perfectly adapted to my needs due to her flexible approach. 
Über mich - Englisch

Hello everyone! My name is Cristina and I have been teaching English for the past ten years in the Middle East, Hungary and Romania.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

In 2008 I graduated from university with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Romanian Language and Literature .In 2012 I successfully completed Cambridge CELTA which enabled me to teach English to adults in international contexts.

After graduation ,I taught English Language and Literature in Kuwait, Bahrain ,Hungary and Romania.My last teaching position was with British Council Romania where I taught a variety of courses including IELTS.


I help students build self-confidence which is one of the most important prerequisite when it comes to learning a new language.I like to get to know my students well enough in order to customize my lessons to suit their professional and personal needs.

I use the communicative approach which is based on language in social contexts.I begin with simple structures in context and move to grammar rules which can be observed and deduced by learners independently. I isolate the grammar structure and provide plenty of practice to ensure the student is able to recognize and use it appropriately . I focus on improving vocabulary and pronunciation and use dialogue and role-play in all of my lessons.

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Über mich - Rumänisch

Buna tuturor! Numele meu este Cristina si sunt profesoara de limba romana si engleza de zece ani .Imi plac filmele sci-fi si tot ceea ce tine de noi descoperiri in stiinta si psihologie.In timpul liber urmaresc filme ,gatesc si ma plimb prin Bucuresti .

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Am absolvit Facultatea de Litere din Brasov in 2008 precum si Modulul Pedagogic .In 2012 am absolvit un curs Cambridge ce imi permite sa predau engleza adultilor.Am predat engleza in cateva tari din Orientul Mijlociu ,in Ungaria si Romania.


Imi place sa predau folosindu-ma de metoda comunicativa in care cursantul invata vocabular si structuri in contexte sociale diverse.Pornesc de la structuri simple pe care le incorporez in dialoguri si jocuri de rol pe care le repetam pana cursantul le stapaneste foarte bine.Pasul urmator este sa analizam elementele de gramatica in acelasi context si

sa facem exercitii pentru a consolida regulile de folosire.Pentru cursantii mai avansati folosesc materiale autentice precum filmulete ,articole de ziar ,pagini de fictiune pe care le citim si discutam analizand vocabularul ,sintaxa ,regulile gramaticale si de scriere .

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