Englisch Native
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£15.74 / €18.64 / $19.86
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist DIANA EILEEN MARIN und ich bin ein erfahrener Englisch lehrer, der derzeit in Costa Rica lebt. Ich unterrichte Englisch seit November 2018. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
Über mich - Englisch

I'm a native English TEFL-certified teacher, with 5+ years of tutoring experience, and I love to teach. My passion is to help others reach their potential and guide them in their studies, especially when it comes to English.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I completed a certificate program through the University of Toronto Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (150-hour course). I also specialized in Teaching English to Young Learners as well as Teaching English to Mandarin Speakers.


My teaching approach begins with determining at what English level you are at, as well as your preferred study methods. We will focus on the 4 aspects of learning a new language: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. I like to alternate between lesson types, so we can try out conversation lessons, grammar lessons, or writing lessons, etc.

My teaching is based on your personality, hobbies and culture because I love to connect with my students.

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