Carine Yuen : Kantonesisch
Carine Yuen
Kantonesisch Native
Klassen: 2
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 Keine Daten
£33.20 / €39.05 / $41.33
Probe: 80% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Carine Yuen und ich bin ein erfahrener Kantonesisch lehrer, der derzeit in Hongkong lebt. Ich unterrichte Kantonesisch seit November 2018. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 80% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
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Über mich - Englisch

Hello! 你好 Warm Greetings from Hong Kong.

My name is Carine. I have 7 years of teaching experience. I work in schools and also offer online Skype / Zoom classes.

My classes are great, I teach everyday!

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Started teaching Cantonese 7 years ago.

Master degree in TCSOL.

Taught 500+ hours to all levels, to kids, teenagers and adults.


Our Skype class =

(1) well-structured course

(2) teacher to help you speak & consolidate

(If you want to see how some of the classes look like, please check the sample video below)


- Focus on listening and speaking training

- Materials based on your needs

- Website material free for you to explore

- Set reachable goals and review your learning


We create a learning plan for the forthcoming lessons.

I will give students:

(1) selected materials based on your needs

(2) "Textbook-class" supporting needs on tone & pronunciation, actual everyday conversation and grammar learning. [See below for more details]


Before class : your study/preparation with assigned, customized material

In the class : pronunciation and oral skills will be checked, tones, vocab, sentence drills to make sure your knowledge is internalized and consolidated

Before the end of the class : recap, Instructions for homework

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Über mich - Mandarin

七年教學經驗. 有相關碩士學位.

香港人, 流利普通話.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

给懂汉语/ 华语/ 國語的学生 : 課前准备, 我们会用一本专书, 第一课只需要熟讀第7页词汇 [具體指引請聯絡我, 歡迎預約了解更多].


学习指引: 每页, 花三至五分钟重覆听录音[大概听五次, 每一个字之间, 你可以停下来, 也可以嘴巴试试能否发音], 不要看"广州拼音", 要集中脑听和嘴说, 记着发音, 但不要要求自己太高. 这是你第一部处理及记忆生词. 语法, 可以自行看專書. 有不明白上课问. 课堂内, 第一部份学习是纠音辨音[听说] , 第二部份是真实生活聆听及对话--不是书内的对话--[听说], 我们会做纠正发音, 最后我们会聆听1-3段简短真实对话. 若有其他學習需要或目標, 可細看下列內容, 試課時間再行討論了解. [註 : 視頻的內谷是給外國學生的材料, 專書是專為懂中文的人士]

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