Fido Leung : Kantonesisch
Fido Leung
Kantonesisch Native
Klassen: 1
 Keine Daten
£33.20 / €39.05 / $41.33
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Fido Leung und ich bin ein erfahrener Kantonesisch lehrer, der derzeit in Hongkong lebt. Ich unterrichte Kantonesisch seit Februar 2019. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
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Über mich - Englisch

I am a native speaker of Cantonese and a passionate teacher in possession of a wide range of skills.

I am a dedicated teacher with extensive knowledge and work experience who has selected and designed effective materials of audio, visual and a combination of both kinds to be used in Cantonese classes and for students’ self - study. I have kept close contact with students and have worked closely with individuals to motivate them, using different techniques and tailor-made materials to suit their needs.

Focusing on both their academic and career needs as well as understanding each student’s learning style and progress, I have helped my students to reach their potential in language use, and to maintain good language skills after completing each course.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

After completing my Master's Degree in Teaching Chinese as a second language, I have had 6 years' solid experience teaching 90+ expatriates from more than 10 countries and 60+ mainland Chinese Cantonese in different class sizes ( 1 to 25 students).

On top of that I have run Cantonese workshops introducing Chinese / Hong Kong culture 3 times and have done online materials as well.


I have used different teaching techniques to effectively conduct Cantonese courses from elementary to advanced levels, in both private ( 1 on 1 ) and group settings with 2 to more than 20 students.

I am good at engaging students in conversations, creating fun and relaxing atmosphere of learning, repeating certain key language concepts in varying contexts, making numerous interactions with and among students, which results in the best learning experience.

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