Anna Monini : Italienisch
Anna Monini
Italienisch Native
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£13.64 / €15.86 / $17.63
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Anna Monini und ich bin ein erfahrener Italienisch lehrer, der derzeit in Italien lebt. Ich unterrichte Italienisch seit April 2019. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
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Über mich - Englisch

Ciao a tutti

I am Anna, an Italian language teacher. I am graduated in Middle Eastern Cultures and Languages (undergraduate degree) and in Cultural Anthropology (master degree) from the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. In 2017 I obtained the certificate CEDILS ("Certification in teaching Italian to foreigners") in Venice.

In 2018 I have worked in the Italian public middle school with foreign students and in 2012 I have taught in private classes, while I was studying in Istanbul. Also, I taught Italian language in an Argentinian private primary school and in several private language schools with adults in Buenos Aires.

I am at your disposal to provide you with online Italian language classes, conversational practice, and support in preparing Italian language and literature exams. It's possible to develop jointly a more specific and personalized program.

Grazie e a presto :)

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

CEDILS Teaching Italian to foreigners certification

MA degree in cultural anthropology


My teaching philosophy reflects my education experience at the Laboratorio Itals and at the Faculty of Cultural Anthropology of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Itals' methodologies focus especially on the person who learns, beyond the technical teaching of language and culture that are the objects of the study. Only the integration of these poles, in fact, can increase the effectiveness of learning through motivation.

The task of the teacher is to avert anxiety or fear and to establish relational conditions favoring the active, interested, and self-motivated participation of the student in the life of the class and to maintain such conditions through joint responsibility.

The role of the teacher is:

a. to negotiate between curriculum directives and the interests/needs of the students,

b. to create a learning context that is highly stimulating and methodologically varied,

c. to make evident the connection between abstract knowledge and real life,

d. to accept the student's challenges,

e. to create interest in studying the language through clear and transparent actions.

Moreover, in a multi-cultural educational context it is fundamental to propose certain pedagogical models that educate the students not only to accept and respect diversity, but also to recognize various cultural identities within the perspective of a mutual enrichment.

(Pleasure in Language Learning. A Methodological Challenge, Fabio Caon, Guerra Edizioni, 2006)

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Über mich - Spanisch

Ciao a tutti! Soy Anna, profesora de italiano para los estudiantes extranjeros.

Recién graduada en antropologia cultural (máster) en la universidad Ca' Foscari de Venecia, conseguí también el certificado para la enseñanza del idioma italiano a los estudiantes extranjeros Cedils ("Certificazione della competenza in didattica dell'italiano a stranieri").

Tuve experiencias de clases particulares en Estambul (Turquía) en 2012 y también trabajé seis meses en 2018 en las escuelas italianas con niños extranjeros en Buenos Aires (Argentina). Como fue una experiencia muy linda quiero continuar trabajando como profesora de italiano para extranjeros, y al mismo tiempo quiero continuar con formación personal también.

Les espero para trabajar juntos, con clases de idioma, conversación y también para ayudarles en la preparación de los exámenes de certificación lingüística y de los exámenes universitarios de lengua y literatura italiana. Es posible también acordar juntos un plan de clases más especifico y puntual para sus necesidades.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

CEDILS enseñanza del italiano a los extranjeros

Maestría en antropología cultural



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