Ngai Wa Lam : Kantonesisch
Ngai Wa Lam
Kantonesisch Native
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£16.66 / €19.71 / $20.99
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Ngai Wa Lam und ich bin ein erfahrener Kantonesisch lehrer, der derzeit in Hongkong lebt. Ich unterrichte Kantonesisch seit April 2019. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Triff mich auf
Über mich - Englisch

I am a local Hong Kong resident. As I was born and grew up in Hong Kong. Cantonese is my native language. If you want to understand more about Hong Kong, Cantonese is a good way for you to learn. Is it difficult for non-Chinese speakers to learn Cantonese? Certainly not, please take a trial class if you want to learn Cantonese, I am happy to teach you.

My father and mother come from Fujian, China, so I can speak Mandarin as well. I have a Grade 2 Level B in the Putonghua Proficiency Test. If you want to learn Mandarin, I am happy to teach you.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

- Registered Mandarin teacher in Hong Kong

- Grade 2 Level B in Putonghua Proficiency Test

- 3 years working experience in mainland China

- Teaching experiences in primary school

- Registered Hong Kong teacher

- Graduated in Hong Kong Institute of Education

- Local Hong Kong resident

- 8 years experience in teaching Cantonese

- Having experience in teaching English and Mandarin speakers


- 8 lessons for rominization: Tones, initials and finals

- 10 lessons for foundation: Basic Vocabularies, grammars and expressions.

- 10 lessons for intermediate level

- 10 lessons for high level

Teaching context:

- Business

- Daily expressions

- Politics

- School

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Über mich - Kantonesisch


- 教咗廣東話9年,教過中國銀行、深圳港鐵、西班牙駐港大使館。

- 係香港教育局註冊嘅小學普通話同常識科老師

- 而家全職網上教語言,可以教廣東話、國語同埋越南文

- 識注音、羅馬拼音同繁簡體,教中國大陸同台灣學生都咁掂

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung


- 教咗廣東話9年,教過中國銀行、深圳港鐵、西班牙駐港大使館。

- 係香港教育局註冊嘅小學普通話同常識科老師

- 而家全職網上教語言,可以教廣東話、國語同埋越南文

- 識注音、羅馬拼音同繁簡體,教中國大陸同台灣學生都咁掂



- 教咗廣東話9年,教過中國銀行、深圳港鐵、西班牙駐港大使館。

- 係香港教育局註冊嘅小學普通話同常識科老師

- 而家全職網上教語言,可以教廣東話、國語同埋越南文

- 識注音、羅馬拼音同繁簡體,教中國大陸同台灣學生都咁掂

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