Yiting Liu : Mandarin
Yiting Liu
Mandarin Native
Klassen: 0
 Keine Daten
£51.57 / €60.53 / $63.93
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Yiting Liu und ich bin ein erfahrener Mandarin lehrer, der derzeit in Vereinigte Staaten lebt. Ich unterrichte Mandarin seit Juni 2019. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
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Über mich - Englisch

As a language learner myself, I apply the tactics and philosophy that I thought to be useful in my personal learning experience. My main focus of teaching is to help students set up proper goals and achieve them step by step. My specialty would be bilingual language education (Chinese and English ) and academic writing(including all the subjects in TOEFL and GRE analytical writing).

I am confident that I am an exceptional teacher that focuses on students' language progress and achievement. I encourage all my students to use the language they are learning as much as possible.

Learning a language is fun, and it is always motivated by the achievement that students can witness. As a result, I will make my best efforts to help my students set observable goals in language learning and make sure they make progress step by step.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Two-year teaching experience in Academic Writing

Three-year teaching experience as an ESL teacher(New Oriental Technology Group China, CELOP at BU, Law School at BU)

EdM in Tesol, Boston University

Certificated K-12 ESL Teaching Licensure in Massachusetts


Different from most of the language teachers, I would also attach much importance, if not more, to the native language of learners. Making proper use of learners' native language is the most efficient way to communicate in some cases and hence scaffold and facilitate their foreign/second language learning, especially for beginners and low-intermediate learners.

Also, I employ a communicative approach in which I would facilitate my students to interact and practice as much as they need.

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Über mich - Mandarin


Abschlüsse und Erfahrung




无论你是语言学习爱好者,还是需要去中国学习工作,我都会与你协商,我们共同制定一套可行的方案。争取让你在取得语言方面长足进步的同时,进一步体验中华文化,了解中华文明的源远流长历史。 :)

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