Harlyson Silva : Portugiesisch - Bras
Harlyson Silva
Portugiesisch - Bras Native
Klassen: 99
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 2 100% Positiv
£19.33 / €22.83 / $24.27
Probe: 90% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Harlyson Silva und ich bin ein erfahrener Portugiesisch - Bras lehrer, der derzeit in Brasilien lebt. Ich unterrichte Portugiesisch - Bras seit Mai 2020. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 90% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
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tutor FalaChris
United States
 I LOVE practicing my Portugese with Harlyson. His easy manner and conversational abilities really draw out my language practice as he makes gentle corrections and encouragements. Literally my favorite teacher.  
tutor Lizabeth K
 Harylson has been a great tutor. I have been using him consistently for several months. He makes learning fun, and is very professional. Highly recommend! 
Über mich - Englisch

Hi! My name is Harlyson. I am Brazilian and besides Portuguese, which is my native language, I also speak English and French. I am passionate about learning languages and teaching them, so I'm always looking for an engaging way to make my students learn faster and better.

Speaking in another language and reaching out to people from other parts of the planet is amazing!

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I have been teaching English, French and Portuguese as a foreign language since 2007. I have experience as a teacher either at language schools or with individual classes in my hometown in Brazil. I have bachelor's in French and Portuguese languages and a master's degree in educational technology.


The classes are based on conversation topics with the support of the communicative approach methodology. I use texts, images and videos to start a discussion and at the end I give you a personalized report of your learning.

If you want, you can also suggest the approach and materials of your preference to have an even more personalized experience.

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