Diana Frank : Englisch
Diana Frank
Englisch Native
Klassen: 515
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 55 100% Positiv
£18.07 / €21.87 / $23.82
 Hallo, mein Name ist Diana Frank und ich bin ein erfahrener Englisch lehrer, der derzeit in Vereinigtes Königreich lebt. Ich unterrichte Englisch seit März 2021.  
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Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor Josef Roman S
 Diana is a great teacher, very focused, reliable and professional. Every lesson is productive with the best possible learning success. Absolutely to recommend.  
tutor Bernadette123
 Der Unterricht ist wirklich hervorragend. Der Gewinn an neuen Kenntnissen ist sehr groß, die Unterrichtsstunde ist perfekt vorbereitet. Die Kommunikation mit Diana ist sehr, sehr nett. Kurz: Einfach sehr zu empfehlen.  
tutor Rada
 Through regular smalltalk with Diana I feel more and more confident with the English language. Thank you Diana ,you are an excellent teacher! 
tutor Schnuppiii
 Prima! Danke! 
tutor DasaBorovska
 It is always so nice to spend the evening having a conversation with Diana! 
tutor DasaBorovska
 Very nice conversation lesson about movies, I really enjoyed it.  
  (55) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch

Hi All! My name is Diana and I'm an English Conversation Tutor. I'm also a huge fan of the arts and culture. My interests include visiting museums, art galleries and the theatre.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

I hold a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics (TEFL). I also completed a B.A. in German with honours and previously taught English to international students at Bedfordshire University. During that time, I introduced students to general, business and academic English and helped them to prepare for their Cambridge English exams.

While working in office-based roles for a number of international companies, I had the opportunity to use my knowledge of German. I therefore understand the challenges that students face when learning a second language.


First and foremost, I believe that mutual respect is key to a successful learning experience. I strive to create a supportive and encouraging environment for my students.

As an English Conversation Tutor, I can help you practise your English speaking and conversational skills. If you have a special interest in a particular topic, please let me know.

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