Chito K : Japanisch
Chito K
Japanisch Native
Klassen: 240
Letzte klasse: 2+ tage
 174 100% Positiv
£22.17 / €26.16 / $27.77
Probe: 50% Rabatt
 Hallo, mein Name ist Chito K und ich bin ein erfahrener Japanisch lehrer, der derzeit in Japan lebt. Ich unterrichte Japanisch seit März 2022. Ich biete derzeit eine ermäßigte erste Probestunde mit 50% Rabatt auf meinem normalen Unterrichtspreis für neue Schüler. 
Mein aktuelles Feedback
tutor Todd P
United States
 Not only learned several new phrases but also reinforced what I learned last week. Thank you Chito! 
tutor Todd P
United States
 Chito continues to encourage me to read long text that I would not have read otherwise. She is proving to be invaluable in keeping me motivated to study. 
tutor Todd P
United States
 Chito explains the meaning of each Kanji helping me remember the meaning of the word. 
tutor Todd P
United States
 Chito teaches me what phrases are casual and what ones are more polite. 
tutor Todd P
United States
 Chito helps encourage me to read words I don't think I know. Sometimes I do know a word I just have to think harder about it. This helps me reinforce my vocabulary. 
tutor Todd P
United States
 Conversations with chito are different day to day and it keeps things interesting. 
  (174) Bewertungen
Über mich - Englisch

Hi there!

I’m Chito. I’m a Japanese living in Tokyo. I’ve been working as a licensing specialist and English teacher for a Japanese media group. I have lived in Canada and the U.S. for 10 years. I earned my degrees (BA and MA) in my second language so I can relate to your experience in learning new languages. Let me know what you want to do with Japanese. I offer lessons tailored to your needs, level and interests. Not only advanced students, beginners are also welcome since I can teach in English, if it is helpful.

I am a very open-minded and committed teacher. I believe diversity is important as it can enrich every aspect of our life. I’m willing to learn new things. So tell me about your culture in Japanese when you are ready.

Looking forward to talking to you soon!

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung

Qualifications & Experience

Master of Arts in Linguistics at California State University, Fullerton, California, USA

Bachelor of Art in Psychology at McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Bachelor of Art in English Literature (with Teaching License for High School English at Tsuru University, Yamanashi, Japan

In Japan

Taught English in Corporate classes such as Yomiuri Computer Company

Taught English at cram schools, JUKU

Some private lessons

In the US

Taught Japanese to high school students to adults in a private language school

Taught Japanese to undergraduate and graduate students

Taught English to Community Schools

Some private lessons


In the first lesson, I listen to students’ goals, interests, and the reasons they want to learn Japanese. Based on them, I will provide a custom-fitted lessons.

From my own experience of learning foreign languages, I believe that the learning should be fun and enjoyable to obtain better outcomes. Secure and relaxed lesson environment is also critical for students to acquire the language effectively.

I also like to share culture, customs and traditions with students. I do my best to provide my students with effective and enjoyable lessons.

See you soon!

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