Agata Beszczyńska : Polnisch
Agata Beszczyńska
Polnisch Native
Klassen: 1
 Keine Daten
£30.65 / €35.07 / $39.29
Probe: Kostenlos
 Hallo, mein Name ist Agata Beszczyńska und ich bin ein erfahrener Polnisch lehrer, der derzeit in Polen lebt. Ich unterrichte Polnisch seit Oktober 2023. Ich biete derzeit eine kostenlose erste Probestunde für neue Schüler. 
Über mich - Englisch

Outgoing Norwegian philologist with passion for culture and arts as well as the great outdoors. My life philosophy is to constantly learn, meet new people, try new things and discover new places. I believe language is a powerful tool to help us on the way and even improve the way we think.

Having started teaching in 2005, I have gathered experience in the following fields: everyday language, work&life, culture, literature, medical Norwegian.

Abschlüsse und Erfahrung


2021-2023 SWPS University, Warsaw

University Teacher in the followong fields of Norwegian language and culture: conversation, literature, history of literature and literary translation

2018-2023 Paragona, Warsaw

Teacher in Norwegian language and culture for medical doctors relocated to Norway

2007- Independent Contractor

B2B Norwegian Language specialist: translator, interpreter, editor and teacher


2002-2007 University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Scandinavian Studies

Master’s Degree in Norwegian language and culture


2023 - Conference for Norwegian Teachers at the University of Agder

2022, 2012 - Translators’ Meeting at the Literature Festival in Lillehammer

2009 - Publishers’ Meeting at the Literature Festival in Lillehammer

2007 - Master’s thesis supervision at the University of Tromso

2005 - Erasmus student at the University of Oslo

2005 - Summer course in Norwegian language and culture at the University of Bergen

2004 - Translators’ Seminar at Nansen School at Lillehammer


I love using and teaching Norwegian, a beautiful and user friendly language anyone can enjoy. Passionate about all forms of communication: speaking, writing, creating visual content, I promise to make the classes really fun. With almost 20 years of experience in teaching, yet open to new ways and trends, I can offer a tailor made language training to help you reach your personal goals! You decide whether we use a textbook or no book at all and how many tests or homework you would like to have.

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