Hola, mi nombre es Elena A. y soy un tutor de Búlgaro con experiencia que actualmente vive en Bulgaria. He estado enseñando Búlgaro en línea desde junio 2009. Actualmente estoy ofreciendo una lección de prueba con un 90% de descuento en el precio de mi lección normal para los nuevos estudiantes.
Mi último reseñas
Tique Australia
Thank you Elena for the conversation practice - I do find it's the hardest part in learning the language - so thank you.
Tique Australia
As always another great lesson.
Tique Australia
thank you again - another informative helpful lesson - addressed some misconceptions I had about perfective and imperfective verbs and pronunciation.
Tique Australia
Thank you again Elena - I found the lesson invaluable in helping me revise prior knowledge but also in identifying those gaps in my knowledge.
Tique Australia
Another excellent class - being guides to get out of my comfort by speak more off the cuff and applying what I already know.
Tique Australia
Elena provided excellent instruction in the lesson tonight - it was an excellent refresher on reflexive pronouns. Thank you.
Information for new students: I will be available for trial lessons after October 27th. Thank you!
My background:
Hello! My name is Elena and I live in Bulgaria. I have an MA degree in English and Japanese (Applied Linguistics). I also teach my native language - Bulgarian.
I love teaching and studying languages. I speak several languages (Bulgarian, English, Japanese, Russian and Ukrainian) and I am always studying a language. I would like to share with you the enthusiasm I have for languages.
Why students study with me:
I can help you improve your conversation skills and understand some difficult grammar (articles, verb tenses, perfective and imperfective verbs in Bulgarian, etc). This will save you time in your studies and increase your confidence in speaking and writing.
Please schedule classes in advance as availability is limited. Thank you!
Lesson payment:
Prepaid classes only (full lesson fee).
Certificaciones y experiencia
I have an MA in Applied linguistics - English and Japanese language.
I have a lot of experience teaching English to adults and children in different schools. I have taught Bulgarian to private students from other countries. I have also taught Japanese at the university.
Método de enseñanza
I use the communicative method in teaching. We will practise speaking. listening, reading and writing in every lesson. I create my own structured lessons and also partially use a textbook. I can send you files to help you with your studies. I always work on tailoring my lessons to the needs of every individual student. Our lessons will be not only useful for you but also interesting and fun.
Здравейте! Аз съм от България и освен български говоря английски, руски и японски. Преподаването ми носи голямо удовлетворение и радост. Имам опит и в подготвянето на ученици за изпитите IELTS и TOEFL iBT.
Certificaciones y experiencia
Завършила съм Приложна лингвистика - английски и японски език. Освен това изучавах "Японски език и култура" в Токийския институт за чужди езици в продължение на една година със стипендия на японското министерство на образованието. Преподавам езици от 1999 г.
Método de enseñanza
Използвам комуникативния метод на преподаване. С учениците ми упражняваме говоренето, слушането, четенето и писането във всеки урок. Мога да ви изпращам файлове, които да подпомагат обучението ви. Часовете ни ще бъдат не само полезни, а и много интересни и приятни.
Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Елена и я живу в Болгарии. Преподаю английский, болгарский для иностранцев, русский и японский.
Люблю изучать языки.
Я буду рада ответить на Ваши вопросы!
Certificaciones y experiencia
Я закончила университет - специальность "Приложная лингвистика - английский и японский язык". Я также училась в Токийском университете иностранных языков - специализация "Японский язык и культура". Я работаю учителем с 1999 года.