Maria Mazzaglia : Italiano
Maria Mazzaglia
Italiano Nativo
Lezioni: 5279
Ultima classe: 2+ giorni
 738 100% Positivo
£19.88 / €23.47 / $24.95
Prova: Gratuito
 Ciao, mi chiamo Maria Mazzaglia e sono un insegnante esperto di lingua Italiano che attualmente vive in Italia. Insegno Italiano online dal maggio 2008. Attualmente sto offrendo una lezione di prova gratuita per i nuovi studenti. 
Ultime Recensioni
tutor 21 apr 2024
 Very enjoyable lesson and good to be back again after the holiday. Thank you, Maria. What a special country Italy is! 
tutor 28 mar 2024
 I have really enjoyed the Calvino stories, Maria, and will miss Marcovaldo. Reading aloud has increased my confidence, thank you. 
tutor 06 mar 2024
 Good to be slowly building up Il Libro bianco, Maria, and strange to be reading the last Marcovaldo story in the book. I shall miss him and his family! Thank you for another very enjoyable lesson. 
tutor 18 feb 2024
 The 'zuppa di pastinaca' was delicious and 'piccante' - I will write up the recipe for next week's lesson! Thank you very much for today's. 
tutor 04 feb 2024
 Useful revision of past tense verbs used in writing, Maria, and an enjoyable lesson. Thank you! 
tutor 24 gen 2024
 Another very enjoyable and helpful lesson, Maria, thank you. 
  (738) Recensioni
Su di me - Inglese

My name is Maria. I was born in Catania, Italy.

I live in Italy at the moment and I lived many years in the Unites States.

I love languages, photography, wellness and fitness, nature and animals.

Qualifiche e esperienza

In Italy I studied foreign languages and literatures and I worked as office, sales and customer service assistant I lived for many years in the United States, on the East Coast and then in California. I studied herbology and Massage Therapy. I worked in the wellness industry and then in customer service in finances. Always in contact with different kind of people, cultures, and personalities.

I love languages, their unique sounds and souls, and I love teaching. For this reason I have always been teaching. I am currently in Italy.

Both my studies and practice of the English language in an international environment gave me skills in comprehending people who have different linguistic, personal and cultural backgrounds. I have privately taught English and Italian to children, teenagers, young adults, adults and very wise people.

Having a conversation in actual Italian with students who could only say -or mispronounce, "pizza, amore, pasta and spaghetti" is a great satisfaction and something I am thankful for. I help my student pass a school exam, a proficiency test, I help them get ready for a job interview, I teach them how to pronounce their favorite songs and talk about their favorite Italian painter. I help them get in touch with their roots and I help them learn to speak to their Italian family members and friends. I help them feel more prepared and confident so that they can enjoy and get the best out of their special trip abroad. I just love to help. :-)

I am very pleased to find here people who enjoy learning and communicating.

My teaching experience is growing everyday thanks to my wonderful students!

Metodo d'insegnamento

My approach is flexible. I like my students to have a good time while they are engaging their brains so I use a combination of methods.

A general plan includes pronunciation, reading comprehension, conversation, grammar drills. The material used also reflects the student's interest and specific needs. I like to include a variety of topics especially related with the Arts: literature, movies, dance, music, etc.

Files and internet links will be used to complement lessons.

For absolute beginners the focus is on sounds, basic vocabulary / phraseology, and basic grammar.

Paced and casual conversations will help to comprehend and identify grammar patterns.

For my lessons I use Skype - ONLY audio and chat, NO webcam. The audio only allows great focus on the language listening and comprehension.

I look forward to teach and learn from you!

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Su di me - Italiano

Mi chiamo Maria.

Sono nata e cresciuta in Italia. Ho vissuto molti anni negli Stati Uniti e adesso sono in Italia

Qualifiche e esperienza

Ho studiato lingue e letterature straniere in Italia ed ho lavorato come corrispondente estero in una compagnia italiana.

Ho vissuto per molti anni negli Stati Uniti, sulla costa Est e poi in California. Negli Stati Uniti ho perfezionato lo studio della lingua inglese ed ho studiato fitoterapia e massoterapia. Ho quindi lavorato nel campo del benessere e in seguito anche nel campo della finanza per alcuni anni. Amo coltivare le mie passioni tra cui le lingue straniere ed è per questo che insegno privatamente italiano e inglese da molti anni. Insegno a persone di tutte le età. Aiuto i miei studenti a sentirsi più sicuri nei loro viaggi all'estero, a superare esami scolastici, a prepararsi per colloqui di lavoro o ad imparare a parlare con i propri parenti o amici o fidanzati nella loro lingua.

Metodo d'insegnamento

Mi piace preparare le lezioni tenendo conto dello studente, dei suoi progressi e dei suoi interessi, per cui uso ed integro diversi metodi.

Elementi di cultura, cinema, letteratura, costume, musica e arte in generale, da analizzare e discutere, sono spesso inseriti nelle lezioni con files o internet links.

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