Pascale Xuereb : Francese
Pascale Xuereb
Francese Nativo
Lezioni: 9095
Ultima classe: 2+ giorni
 1576 100% Positivo
£36.72 / €43.58 / $47.47
Prova: Gratuito
 Ciao, mi chiamo Pascale Xuereb e sono un insegnante esperto di lingua Francese che attualmente vive in Francia. Insegno Francese online dal aprile 2012. Attualmente sto offrendo una lezione di prova gratuita per i nuovi studenti. 
Ultime Recensioni
tutor vesli
United States
 Finally, a way to understand the details of some of the mysteries of the French language. Pascale has a lesson and explanation for any concern or confusion. The first step is to obtain the explanations, then each challenge can be practiced and mastered over time.  
tutor vesli
United States
 No matter how advanced you are in French, you will benefit from taking lessons with Pascale. She is the best teacher on any level. As you advance, you will discover that she has materials at the ready for you to aid you in your progress, no matter how lofty your goals are. 
tutor vesli
United States
 Each lesson with Pascale is filled with information, and each lesson builds on the others, with an opportunity to discover one's weak spots and further tips to try and improve that problem. I see clearly my difficulties and my progress. 
tutor vesli
United States
 If you love expanding your French vocabulary while speaking French with a native expert, you should take a lesson with Pascale. Her knowledge of French is such that she can come up with the most appropriate words, expressions and phrases in both French and English. You will be exposed to more accurate language choices without spending as much effort on your own to research and piece together acceptable structure. 
tutor vesli
United States
 My classes are a success in every aspect of my French study. With Pascale as guide, I am exposed to tiny perfections of the French language that I have never learned before. These details are not difficult, either. And they are fascinating. Who wouldn't like to improve language knowledge effortlessly? When the examples come up from my own conversation, I find it so easy to improve my French based on my own conversational ideas. It's how I learned my native English in the first place: constant, steady fine-tuning and nuancing. If you love the French language, you will enjoy and benefit from conversation classes with Pascale. 
tutor vesli
United States
 To make any progress in trying to converse in a foreign language, one must converse regularly one-on-one. In the past, when I've tried small group classes, using other resources, I just wasn't getting anywhere. Now, I am experiencing some progress. Plus, the increased exposure to a wealth of French culture is a true bonus. 
  (1576) Recensioni
Su di me - Inglese

! ! ! >> No weekends <<

! ! ! >>> No advance payment accepted <<<

Many thanks in advance

Preparation for exams and tests: no surcharges - no free trial lesson. Many thanks.

Over 20 years of private tutoring experience! --> Examinations and motivation: Success guaranteed! <--

No compulsory purchase of 10, 20, or 30 lesson packages : Study at your own pace

Benefit from a customized program from a real follow-up of your teacher with whom you communicate. The school provides you with all its educational material to achieve your goals!

Once your requirements have been defined, the school offers you programs tailored to meet your specific needs.

Join the world of Francophonie, your teacher will be happy to organize your classes, speak French with you and help you discover France, its regions, its history, its specificities, its unusual places, to introduce its authors, its artists, its scientists …


I’m a native French speaker, and have lived in South of France since 1975.

I’m a professional and dynamic teacher, flexible, adaptable, easy-going, friendly, patient, well-organized, and eager for my students to succeed. I speak French, Italian and English, together with some Spanish, Polish and German.

I have a good general knowledge background, in addition to languages, I have studied art, cinema, and literature. I enjoy new intellectual challenges.

My favorite pastimes are reading books and watching films. I like cooking and walking in the countryside.

I enjoy work, am conscientious and don’t mind working long hours. I’m looking forward to sharing my enthusiasm for the French language and culture with others.

Qualifiche e esperienza

I earned a certification to teach French as foreign language in 1998 from University of Avignon. Since then, I have been teaching French (and Italian) as a foreign language (totaling over 20 years of experience, of which two were spent teaching in Poland).

I have also taught general French courses, courses on French culture and heritage (civilization, history, geography), and specialized French courses, including scientific and technical French, business and new technology, policy, economy and diplomatic relations.

I have worked with European officials and businessmen (including those working for the UN, WFP, UNDP, MFA. More generally, I have worked with foreigners wishing to travel or live in France or in a French-speaking country such as Switzerland or Canada, and with students who need a tutor for specific exam purposes. I have prepared my students to take TCF, DILF, DELF, and DALF exams.

Metodo d'insegnamento

I give lessons to both adults and teenagers face-to-face or one-to-one, from beginner to advanced levels. My approach is focused on the requests of learners, though I prefer an interactive methodology.

My objectives are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

I adapt my teaching style to suit students’ needs. I have patience, understanding, perseverance and thoroughness. I try at all times to give clear explanations, using concrete examples and situations.

I’m good at encouraging the self-confidence which enables students to feel linguistically secure enough to make the leap into fluid communication.

I know from my own experience that learning a foreign language should be both a pleasure and an enjoyable adventure. It’s also a great opportunity to share culture, customs and traditions. I do my best to pass all of this on to my students in an enjoyable and relaxed manner.

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Su di me - Francese

- Ma langue maternelle est le français et j’habite le Sud de la France depuis 1975.

- Je suis un professeur très professionnel, dynamique et flexible. Amicale, patiente, bien organisée, je m’adapte vite et n’ai qu’un objectif : la réussite de mes étudiants.

- Je parle français, italien et anglais. Je connais un peu d’espagnol, de polonais et d’allemand.

- J’ai une bonne culture générale, en plus des langues étrangères, j’ai étudié l’art, le cinéma et la littérature.

- Lire et regarder des films font partie de mes passe-temps favoris. J’aime cuisiner et marcher en pleine nature.

- J’aime mon travail, je suis consciencieuse et ne compte pas trop le temps que je passe avec mes étudiants. Je travaille généralement du crépuscule à l’aurore pour que nos amis d’autres continents puissent avoir un professeur natif plus facilement joignable. J’ai hâte de partager avec vous mon enthousiasme pour la langue française et la culture de mon pays.

PS : J’aime les nouveaux défis.

Qualifiche e esperienza

J’ai obtenu ma licence de FLE en 1998 à l’université d’Avignon. Depuis, j’enseigne le français langue étrangère (et l’italien), j’ai plus de 20 ans d’expérience dont deux passée en Pologne. Je donne des cours aussi bien de français général (langue et phonétique mais aussi la culture, l’histoire, la littérature, la géographie) que de Français sur objectif spécifique , sciences et techniques, français des affaires, nouvelles technologies, politique, économie, relations diplomatiques.

J’ai travaillé avec des Officiels européens, hommes d’affaires, chercheurs, personnes travaillant pour le PAM, PNUD ou MAE de leur pays. Le plus souvent, mes apprenants souhaitent parler français car ils désirent voyager, travailler, vivrent en France ou dans un pays francophone ou bien ils ont besoin d’une aide ponctuelle lors de cours intensifs pour passer un examen. J’ai préparé nombreux d’entre eux aux tests du TCF, DILF, DELF et DALF.

Metodo d'insegnamento

Je donne des cours particuliers aux adultes et aux adolescents de tous les niveaux (de A1 à C1). Mon approche est centrée sur la demande de l’apprenant, ma méthode est interactive. Le cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues est un de mes outils.

J’adapte mon enseignement pour être au plus proche des besoins de l’étudiant. J’ai beaucoup de patience, de compréhension, de persévérance et de rigueur. Je tente toujours de trouver des solutions si problème il y a , en donnant des explications claires à travers des exemples précis et des situations concrètes.

J’encourage au maximum la confiance en soi afin que mes étudiants de tout âge se sentent à leur aise pour prendre des risques et se lancer dans la communication.

Selon moi, apprendre une langue étrangère doit être un plaisir et une aventure agréable voire passionnante. C’est aussi la chance de partager avec l’autre une culture, des us et coutumes, des traditions. Je vous transmettrai cela dans une ambiance détendue et enjouée

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