Antonio Naharro : Spagnolo
Antonio Naharro
Spagnolo Nativo
Lezioni: 1548
Ultima classe: Oggi
 176 100% Positivo
£29.05 / €34.62 / $37.71
 Ciao, mi chiamo Antonio Naharro e sono un insegnante esperto di lingua Spagnolo che attualmente vive in Spagna. Insegno Spagnolo online dal maggio 2014.  
Incontrami su
Ultime Recensioni
tutor Ruchika P
 The professor's expertise in the Spanish language was truly impressive. They effortlessly conveyed complex grammatical concepts and vocabulary with clarity, using a variety of teaching methods to cater to different learning styles. Beyond the standard curriculum, the professor incorporated cultural insights, real-life scenarios, and interactive activities, making the class not only educational but also culturally enriching. 
tutor Maggie D
United Kingdom
 Antonio, as usual, was very encouraging providing a safe space for me to speak, which is the hardest part of learning Spanish for me. It's slow going so he is VERY patient and I also appreciated his generosity to reschedule when I got the time of our lesson wrong. Gracias!  
tutor Maggie D
United Kingdom
 Great session - but went too fast!  
tutor Maggie D
United Kingdom
 Great session! Thank you.  
tutor Maggie D
United Kingdom
 You really understood my unique situation and have tailored my lessons accordingly. Thanks so much for providing encouragement and lessons that are suited to my needs!  
tutor Theo B
United States
 Sr. Naharro was very friendly and knowledgeable. He has a very organized system of teaching. Great teacher! 
  (176) Recensioni
Su di me - Inglese

I'm a native Spanish teacher and writer. I have taught overseas for the past 7 years. My accent is neutral and clear.


Also I helped more than 90 students in the last 3 years in their Specific DELE and University Access Classes wich having 95% of succes

Do you want see me teaching? SPANISH VIDEO

I teach all levels and needs. New social media technical language.

I published short histories for children and wrote in magazines & newspapers.

Translator for The Korea Times.

I have private students since many years and I can teach technical, specific or basic grammatical lessons. I know the difficulties for English-speakers and also Asian: specially Japanese citizen.

Language is "alive" and this should be a focus in the class. The "real" Spanish must be teach next to the Spanish gramatical rules.

*If what you need is Speak I offer Long specific conversation class for ALL LEVELS.


Do you want to travel around Latin countries? Do you want to write a book or translate a text? Whatever you want or need I can help you with it.

I design specific home works, videos and material for your needs.

Linkedln: Antonio Naharro - Spanish Teacher.

I am available 7 days a week because I love teach Spanish. I am vocational.

Let´s do a Free Trial Class!.

Antonio :)

Qualifiche e esperienza


2015 - Spanish teacher as a foreign Language. ENFOREX/CERVANTES Institute. Madrid

2013 - Spanish teacher as a foreign Language. Int. House Academy in association with University of Barcelona UB.

2009 - English Language in GHS School en Pretoria and Cape Town (South Africa)

1994 - Teacher certified in Modern Languages in the University of Valencia - Spain.


* ESPACIO INMIGRANTE. 2014 - Currently

Teaching Spanish & Catalan to immigrants. Barcelona. Since April 2014.

 Literacy, communication development

 Teaching Hispanic & Catalan culture and traditions.

 Coordination activities and educational program.

 Personalized advice.

* PRIVATE TEACHER - 2010 / currently

Teaching Spanish & Catalan in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada & Spain.

 Initiation and development of communication in Spanish for students from 6-60 years old.

 Specific Spanish & Catalan courses for technical professionals .

 Teaching Hispanic & Catalonan culture and traditions.

* RIVERDALE ACADEMY- 2012 - 2013

Spanish Teaching in Primary School in Pokriabong. West Bengal. India

 Teaching Hispanic culture and history.

 Teaching Spanish language.

 Professor of music, theater and cultural activities

 Camp and extracurricular activities.

Metodo d'insegnamento

I teach Spanish & Catalan in a communicative way and at the same time teach the traditions, culture and values of Latin countries. I try to teach the real necessities students need using new technologies.

I am Private teacher for students with different purposes and goals and this is, to me, the way to teach: What do you need, what do you want, what for? Tell me and this is exactly what you will learn.

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Su di me - Spagnolo


Soy una persona entusiasta que ha vivido y trabajado en todos los continentes excepto en Antártida :).

He viajado a más de 60 países y en los últimos 12 años he enseñado en Australia, Canadá, India, Japón, Nueva Zelanda, Sudáfrica y Corea del Sur.

Hasta la fecha, he enseñado más de 14.000 clases en línea y cada día me gusta aún más.

También ayudo a escribir novelas cortas y trabajo como consultor cultural.

¿Quieres saber más de mí?>

Qualifiche e esperienza

2019 – Experto E-LEARNING - EG- SPANISH GOVERNMENT - Curso impartido por el Ministerio de Trabajo & EG sobre la pedagogía y la enseñanza en plataformas online.

2014 – Formación Profesor Español Lengua Extranjera ENFOREX-Instituto Cervantes - Madrid

2013 - Formación Profesor Español Lengua Extranjera. Ih Barcelona - UB (Universitat de Barcelona)

2009 - Filología Inglesa. GHS Modern Language Institute of South Africa. - Ciudad del Cabo.

1994 – Universidad de Valencia –Diplomatura Lengua Española-Modernas

Metodo d'insegnamento


Soy profesora de español en Barcelona, me especializo en:




* CLASES DE GRUPO (2 o más personas)

Ofrezco y proporciono los materiales necesarios para cada clase. Me encanta usar herramientas digitales para mis lecciones (video, audio, fotos, etc.). Finalmente, soy un estudiante de idiomas (aprendizaje de japonés), por lo que entiendo completamente los desafíos y las necesidades que puede experimentar y que puede adaptar en consecuencia.

No dudes en contactarme o reservar una clase - es gratis ...

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