Phusanisa Ratiwarasai : Tailandese
Phusanisa Ratiwarasai
Tailandese Nativo
Lezioni: 1
 Nessun Dato
£18.41 / €21.75 / $23.14
Prova: Gratuito
Sconto fedeltà
 Ciao, mi chiamo Phusanisa Ratiwarasai e sono un insegnante esperto di lingua Tailandese che attualmente vive in Cina. Insegno Tailandese online dal novembre 2023. Attualmente sto offrendo una lezione di prova gratuita per i nuovi studenti. 
Su di me - Inglese

Sa wat dee ka. Hello everyone. Thank you for visiting my profile.

I am Phusanisa or Kru Jay to my students, a Thai native speaker, certified Thai instructor, experienced, patient and friendly Thai teacher.

My hometown is Korat, Thailand. I speak Thai with a standard Thai accent. For my background, I was an accountant and auditor in an international firm. After I graduated, I used to study, worked, and lived in the U.S. for six years. Since that time, I have worked as a Thai teacher. Nowadays, I live in Beijing, China. So, I can speak Thai, English, and Chinese (Mandarin).

For my hobbies, I like to travel and cook, especially cooking Thai food and desserts. Moreover, I love to share my language experience with everybody who like to learn new language.

Qualifiche e esperienza

Teaching certification:

- Techniques and Methods for Teaching Thai to Foreigners, Prince Of Songkla University, Thailand

- Teaching Thai to foreigners training, Teach Me Thai Academy, Thailand.

Education Background

- Master degree of Accountancy, Kasetsart University, Thailand

- Bachelor degree of Accounting, Khonkean University, Thailand

Teaching Experience

I have taught many students from kid to adult and worked with language schools for more than three years. Mostly, my lessons focus on the beginner to intermediate levels.

Metodo d'insegnamento

In my class, we will learn not only the Thai language, but also cultures, food, festival, and anything about Thai. At the end of the course, you will be able to conduct an everyday conversation and understand the basic knowledge of Thai culture.

My lessons provide the class for subject:

- Speaking & Listening

- Writing & Reading

- Comprehensive Thai (Listen-Speak-Read-Write)

Communication Channels: Skype and Microsoft Teams (Zoom is fine for 40 mins Trial)

Please tell me the Thai lesson that you want to learn. And let's build your Thai language together! I will do my best to help you to accomplish your Thai goal.

I look forward to seeing you and working together.

Best Regards, Phusanisa

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