Emmanuelle Cazabonne : French
Emmanuelle Cazabonne
Sessions: 2693
 475 Reviews
100% Positive
£29.09 / €34.66 / $37.75
 Hello, my name is Emmanuelle Cazabonne and I'm an experienced native French tutor currently living in the United States. I have been giving French lessons online with Verbalplanet since 2007.  
Latest Reviews
tutor RandyDillon
United States
 Having recently passed my second anniversary of weekly classes with Emma, I’d award more than 10 stars if they were available. Not only is Emma incredibly expert in grammar and usage, but she has also shown a strong motivation for my success in French. Focusing on my interests and needs, she has a huge array of resources available, such as videos and articles that help me get engaged in learning. It’s hard to imagine a better professeure. 
tutor Paul G
United States
 The academic instruction and exercise and oral practice are all very helpful. 
tutor Paul G
United States
 Emma is very patient with me making the same mistakes over and over again 
tutor Paul G
United States
 Always a great learning experience 
tutor Paul G
United States
 Great content as usual! 
tutor Paul G
United States
 Great as always. Emma has a wealth of knowledge and knows how to deliver it effectively. 
  Read all (475) reviews
About me - English

Foreign languages are a passion for me. I am French native and have been living in the U.S. for 20 years.

As for my availability, please login with your student account and look at my work planner for all the details.

Only a few spots are officially open per week, but I can actually open many more, depending on what's best for you. Let me know, and I'll see what I can do for you, as long as it is Tuesday-Friday, from 8 am to 3 pm, Chicago time.

Qualifications & Experience

I have an M.A. in English from a French University. I have taught English in France, and then done lots of tutoring, in English, French, Spanish, Latin, Biblical Hebrew, as well as Medieval Religious History, and Microsoft Word.

I am a literary translator from English to French (novels, articles, nonfiction, websites).

I write many reviews every month, and have published several articles, both in English and French, as well as an anthology in English.

Besides, I have a long experience in simultaneous translation.

Teaching Approach

- adaptation to the specific needs of my students: help on a particular question, conversation, general program to improve your French, French for tourism, translation, common reading of French novels, sharing on French videos, exercises to complete based on newspaper articles, preparation for Swiss citizenship, etc., whatever your age, starting at 5 (with educational games).

- clear and simple explanations, through many examples.

- design special exercises, on request by the student.

- very good at helping you grasp grammar and develop your vocabulary.

- I have successfully prepared several students to take the DELF/DALF (from A1 to C1, with results higher than 80%), SAT, GCSE, AP French (with 5 as a result, the highest grade possible), and IB (International Baccalaureate - with 7 as a result, the highest grade possible).

- I have also successfully prepared students to take 'Reading French' exams (at all levels, including SAT Subject Test, and Ph.D.)

- I provide lots of great free resources to help you practice and improve quickly.

Looking forward to helping you, Emma

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About me - French

Passionnée des langues étrangères. Je suis Française. Je suis arrivée aux États-Unis il y a 20 ans.

Quant à ma disponibilité, veuillez vous connecter avec votre compte d’étudiant et consulter mon planificateur de travail pour tous les détails.

Officiellement, il n'y a que quelques plages disponibles par semaine, mais en fait, je peux m'adapter à vos besoins, à condition que ce soit entre le mardi et le vendredi, et entre 13 heures et minuit, heure de Paris. Précisez-moi ce qui marcherait pour vous, et je verrai ce que je peux faire. Merci

Qualifications & Experience

Maîtrise d’anglais. Enseignante d'anglais en collège et lycée pendant 2 ans en France, 20 ans tutrice : en anglais, français, espagnol, latin, hébreu biblique, histoire religieuse médiévale et Microsoft Word.

J’ai publié plusieurs articles en français, anglais et espagnol et une anthologie en anglais.

Je suis traductrice de l’anglais au français (romans et nonfiction) et écris de nombreuses recensions.

Longue expérience aussi d’interprète en traduction simultanée de l’anglais au français.

Teaching Approach

- adaptation ouverte aux besoins spécifiques de mes étudiants : aide spécifique sur un point, conversation, méthode développée pour apprendre le français, traduction, lecture commune de romans, partages sur des vidéos, transcriptions de vidéo, exercices à trous sur des textes d'actualité, préparation au test de citoyenneté suisse, etc. Cours pour tout âge à partir de 5 ans (jeux éducatifs).

- conception d'exercices uniques, sur demande de l'étudiant

- explications claires et simples, à l’aide d’exemples.

- facilité d’augmentation du vocabulaire de l’étudiant.

- très bonne connaissance de la grammaire.

- ressources gratuites

Ai préparé avec succès des élèves aux examens de : DELF-DALF (de A1 à C1, avec des notes supérieures à 80%), GCSE, SAT, AP French (avec 5 comme résultat, la plus haute note possible), et Bac International (IB - avec 7 pour résultat, la plus haute possible).

Et aussi 'Reading French' (tous niveaux, y compris SAT Subject Test et Doctorat).

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