María P. V. López : Spanish
María P. V. López
Spanish Native
Sessions: 2514
Last class: 2+ days
 246 Reviews: 100% Positive
£23.99 / €27.55 / $30.80
Trial: Free
 Hello, my name is María P. V. López and I'm an experienced native Spanish tutor currently living in Spain. I have been giving Spanish lessons online with Verbalplanet since 2012. I am currently offering a free initial trial lesson for new students. 
Latest Reviews
tutor Jamie136
United Kingdom
 Maria is an excellent teacher. She prepares the class specifically depending on your needs and is very good at leading the flow and prompting you to solve problems yourself, which is a brilliant way to learn. She is good fun and widely read, which means that the lessons are great fun and pass by incredibly fast. I look forward to the next one! 
tutor Greg M
United Kingdom
 Hey Maria, I’ve not given feedback on a while and it’s something I’ll do more of in 2024. But I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your efforts. From preparing the lessons and keeping things interesting. I’ve become fairly addicted to the Spanish language and looking forward to more progress in 2024. Muchísimas Gracias  
tutor mpmurphy23
United States
 La clase de Maria fue muy buena!  
tutor Hong L
United States
 Good intro, thanks.  
tutor Lyddia
United Kingdom
 Thank you for your help. 
tutor deborah h
United Kingdom
 I am starting a new term with Maria, having been a student of hers for three years now. Last term we were working on the subjunctive and practising its various guises, and also the use of ser vs estar. We are about to tackle the passive and pseudo-passive voice. Maria is an expert teacher and always extremely well-organised, which I really appreciate. But what I love about her classes is the variety of activities that we undertake. She uses audio and newspaper articles as well as her own powerpoint presentations. I am able to practice reading, writing and listening (my weakest point!) which is, of course, brilliant. But this variety of activities also keeps the class fresh and the time flies by. I look forward to another term! 
  Read all (246) reviews
About me - English


Would you like to learn Spanish in 2024? Are you studying Spanish at GCSE or A Level? Would learning Spanish boost your career? Or maybe do you want to learn Spanish for pleasure? ¿Sí?

I am here ready to help you build your confidence in Spanish, improve your fluency and perfect your accent through live online lessons.

I am a highly-qualified native Spanish teacher from Madrid.

I have a deep understanding of second language acquisition, teaching methodologies and cultural differences. I have relevant experience teaching Spanish to secondary age children, undergraduates and adults in the United Kingdom (where I lived for 10 years) and in Spain.

I love teaching my own language and creating my own teaching materials so that I can facilitate your language learning process. My teaching approach varies according to your profile and it is totally personalised. I prepare interesting, dynamic and motivating activities that make you enjoy Spanish, without losing sight of the results you are looking for. I also have experience teaching Spanish for specific purposes:

***GCSE Spanish

***A Level Spanish

***Spanish for academic purposes

***Medical Spanish

***Business Spanish

***Spanish for Tourism

Qualifications & Experience

I have a Bachelor’s degree in History and a Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language, both qualifications granted by University Complutense of Madrid (2009). I also completed a PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of Greenwich (2012-2016).

I have twelve years’ experience teaching Spanish to secondary and undergraduate students at all proficiency levels in the United Kingdom. I have taught Spanish at all levels in secondary education, including preparation of students for GCSE and A Level examination. I have also prepared students for university exams and the D.E.L.E. diploma. Additionally, I have been recently appointed as an Edexcel examiner.

100% success guaranteed.

Teaching Approach

My teaching practice draws upon my academic background and broad experience of teaching Spanish as a foreign language. I successfully apply a scaffolding approach to ensure students are challenged despite diverse linguistic backgrounds. I provide a friendly environment where students can feel secure in expressing themselves, improving their fluency and confidence in Spanish. I produce innovative teaching materials based on current issues in culture, literature, modern fiction and history of Spanish-speaking countries. Indeed, a key motivation is to engage students’ interest in Spanish and Latin American cultures, of which I have a profound understanding through formal studies and travel to Mexico, Colombia and Chile.

I plan, prepare and deliver high quality teaching tailored to your needs: survival lessons, Spanish conversational lessons, business Spanish and medical Spanish.

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About me - Spanish



¿Te gustaría aprender español en 2024? Estás estudiando español en GCSE o Bachillerato? Crees que aprender español te permitiría alcanzar tus logros profesionales? ¿O quizás quieres aprender español por placer? ¿Sí? No busques más, estás en el lugar perfecto.

Estoy lista para ayudarte a ganar confianza en español, mejorar tu fluidez y perfeccionar tu acento a través de clases de español en directo.

Soy profesora de español nativa. Empecé a dar clases de español en 2009 cuando terminé el máster de español como L2 y desde entonces he dado clase en diversas instituciones educativas: en cuatro universidades británicas, dos colegios británicos y en la actualidad, en una universidad española. Mi experiencia docente me ha permitido desarrollar el modelo pedagógico de clase invertida en el que combino la comprensión de textos escritos u orales con actividades de comprensión y consolidación en clase.

Disfruto creando mis propios materiales didácticos en los que desarrollo la capacidad crítica y los valores universales (e.j. la responsabilidad individual, la empatía, el respeto o la tolerancia). En mis clases mi objetivo no es solo darle al estudiante la oportunidad de argumentar de manera razonada en español sino también de hacerles reflexionar sobre las relaciones existentes entre la lengua y el conocimiento lingüístico. También tengo experiencia enseñando español de especialidad:


***A Level o Bachillerato Interncional

***Español con fines académicos

***Español de la Salud

***Español de los negocios

***Español del Turismo

Qualifications & Experience

Soy doctora en Lingüística Aplicada por la Universidad de Greenwich (2017, título homologado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2020) y poseo un máster de Español como Segunda Lengua por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Preparo a mis estudiantes para todo tipo de exámenes en español: exámenes universitarios, todos los niveles del DELE del Instituto Cervantes, GCSE, A-Level de español ¡100% éxito asegurado!

Teaching Approach

Planeo, preparo e imparto clases de buena calidad adaptadas a tus necesidades: clases de supervivencia, clases de conversación, español para los negocios y español médico.

Mi método de enseñanza varía en función de tu perfil y es totalmente personalizado. Preparo actividades interesantes, dinámicas y motivadoras que te hagan disfrutar del español sin perder de vista los resultados que estás buscando.

Mi estilo de comunicación es positivo y respetuoso. Cuando trabajo en equipo, fomento la preparación, organización y la participación activa. Promuevo un ambiente inclusivo demostrando transpariencia y equidad.

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