Counting to 100 in Norwegian

Learn the fundamentals of counting to 100 in Norwegian with our comprehensive guide.


The Norwegian language, belonging to the North Germanic family, serves as the official lingua franca in Norway and holds significance in various Scandinavian and international contexts. Mastering the basics of Norwegian, particularly numeracy, is not only a fundamental step for those aiming to achieve proficiency in the language but also a practical skill for travelers and cultural enthusiasts seeking to navigate daily life in Norway.

This guide aims to elucidate the process of counting to 100 in Norwegian, offering learners a clear and structured approach to understanding and applying the numerical system. Through a detailed exploration of the Norwegian numbering system, pronunciation guidance, and practical exercises, readers will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to confidently count from 1 to 100 in Norwegian, thereby laying a solid foundation for further linguistic and cultural exploration.

The Basics of Norwegian Numbers

The Norwegian numbering system is a crucial component of the language that mirrors its straightforward and logical structure. Understanding this system is essential for anyone looking to gain a foundational grasp of Norwegian, whether for academic, travel, or personal enrichment purposes. This section introduces the fundamental aspects of counting in Norwegian, highlighting the similarities and differences with the English numbering system, which may ease the learning process for English speakers.

Norwegian numbers from 1 to 100 follow a base-ten system, similar to English and many other languages. This means that numbers are built using a combination of individual digits (1 through 9) and tens (20, 30, 40, etc.), making the learning process somewhat intuitive for those familiar with other base-ten systems. However, the Norwegian language has unique aspects in its pronunciation and formation of numbers, particularly in how compound numbers are formed and pronounced.

One notable difference is the inversion found in the numbers from 20 to 99. In Norwegian, the unit precedes the ten when forming compound numbers. For example, "21" in English is "enogtyve" in Norwegian, which directly translates to "one and twenty." This inversion, while initially challenging, becomes more manageable with practice and understanding of the pattern.

The Norwegian number system also distinguishes between "en" (one) and "ett" (one, neutral gender), used before nouns depending on their gender. This distinction, while subtle, is important for accuracy in language use, especially when counting objects or referring to quantities.

To facilitate learning, it's beneficial to approach the Norwegian numbers with an awareness of these patterns and distinctions. Utilizing resources such as pronunciation guides, digital flashcards, and practice exercises can significantly enhance memorization and fluency. Moreover, engaging with native speakers or listening to Norwegian language materials can provide invaluable practice in hearing and using numbers in real-life contexts.

In summary, mastering the basics of the Norwegian numbering system involves understanding its logical structure, familiarizing oneself with the unique patterns of number formation, and practicing pronunciation. These steps lay a solid foundation for further language learning and provide learners with the skills necessary to navigate a variety of everyday situations in Norwegian.

Counting from 1 to 20 in Norwegian

Acquiring proficiency in counting from 1 to 20 in Norwegian is a foundational skill that enables learners to form the basis for more complex numerical expressions. This section provides a detailed overview of the numbers 1 through 20 in Norwegian, accompanied by pronunciation tips to aid in mastering their correct usage.

In Norwegian, the numbers from 1 to 20 are as follows:

  1. En (male) / Ei (female) / Ett (neuter) - The number one has three variations depending on the grammatical gender of the noun it describes.
  2. To - Two
  3. Tre - Three
  4. Fire - Four
  5. Fem - Five
  6. Seks - Six
  7. Sju/ Syv - Seven (both forms are used)
  8. Åtte - Eight
  9. Ni - Nine
  10. Ti - Ten
  11. Elleve - Eleven
  12. Tolv - Twelve
  13. Tretten - Thirteen
  14. Fjorten - Fourteen
  15. Femten - Fifteen
  16. Seksten - Sixteen
  17. Sytten - Seventeen
  18. Atten - Eighteen
  19. Nitten - Nineteen
  20. Tjue - Twenty

Pronunciation of these numbers can present challenges, particularly for learners not accustomed to Norwegian phonetics. For instance, the number "sju/syv" (seven) involves a sound that does not have a direct equivalent in English. It is pronounced with a soft "sh" sound followed by a "u/y," which is unique to Norwegian.

Another example is the number "fem" (five), where the "f" is pronounced much like in English, but the "em" at the end is pronounced with a short, clipped "e" sound, differing from the more elongated "eem" sound in English.

To facilitate effective learning, it is recommended to listen to native speakers or use language learning apps that provide audio pronunciations. Repetitive listening and speaking practice can significantly improve pronunciation accuracy.

Furthermore, engaging in practical exercises, such as counting objects out loud in Norwegian or participating in interactive language games, can reinforce the memorization of these numbers. Creating associations between numbers and familiar objects or actions can also aid in retention.

In summary, mastering the numbers 1 to 20 in Norwegian involves not only memorizing the numerical order but also focusing on the nuances of pronunciation. Through diligent practice and utilization of available resources, learners can achieve a comfortable level of proficiency in counting, setting a solid foundation for further exploration of the Norwegian language.

The Tens: 20 to 100 in Norwegian

Grasping the pattern of counting by tens from 20 to 100 in Norwegian is a critical step towards achieving numerical fluency in the language. This section outlines the structure and formation of these tens, providing learners with a systematic approach to expanding their counting capabilities beyond the foundational numbers.

In Norwegian, as in English, the numbers 20 through 100 at intervals of ten form the backbone for constructing a wide range of numerical expressions. Here is how these numbers are articulated in Norwegian:

  • 20 - Tjue
  • 30 - Tretti
  • 40 - Førti
  • 50 - Femti
  • 60 - Seksti
  • 70 - Sytti
  • 80 - Åtti
  • 90 - Nitti
  • 100 - Hundre

It is important to note the pattern in forming these numbers: the base number (three, four, five, etc.) is followed by the suffix "-ti," indicating a tenfold of the base number. This pattern is consistent up to "nitti" (ninety), after which the count proceeds to "hundre" (one hundred), marking a transition from the tens to the hundreds in the numerical system.

Pronunciation of these tens is straightforward, following the phonetic rules of the Norwegian language. However, learners should pay close attention to the pronunciation of "tjue" (twenty) and "åtti" (eighty), as the "tj" and "å" sounds do not have direct equivalents in English and require practice to master.

To effectively learn these numbers, incorporating listening and speaking exercises into one's study routine is advisable. Repeating the numbers aloud, preferably in the context of sentences or while counting objects, can help solidify their pronunciation and usage. Additionally, using flashcards with the written form on one side and the numerical form on the other can aid in visual recognition and memorization.

Moreover, understanding the construction of numbers between the tens is essential for full numerical literacy in Norwegian. This involves combining the tens with the numbers one through nine to form compound numbers, a topic covered in more detail in the following sections.

In summary, familiarizing oneself with the tens from 20 to 100 in Norwegian is a crucial step towards comprehensive numerical understanding. Through consistent practice and engagement with the language, learners can effectively navigate this aspect of Norwegian numeracy, enhancing their overall language proficiency.

Key Counting Milestones: 21-99

Achieving proficiency in counting from 21 to 99 in Norwegian involves understanding the structure and logic behind forming these numbers. This section delves into the patterns and rules that govern the creation of numbers within this range, providing learners with the knowledge needed to construct and deconstruct these numerical expressions accurately.

In Norwegian, numbers between 20 and 99 are formed by first stating the tens (20, 30, 40, etc.) followed by the unit digit (1 through 9). This is somewhat similar to the English system but with a notable difference: the unit digit and the ten are connected by the word "og" (meaning "and"), placed between them. For example, 21 is not simply "twenty-one" but "tjueen" (twenty and one) in a single word, showcasing the compound nature of Norwegian numerical expressions.

Here are examples to illustrate this pattern:

  • 21: Tjueen (twenty and one)
  • 34: Trettifire (thirty and four)
  • 47: Førtisju (forty and seven)
  • 52: Femtito (fifty and two)
  • 68: Sekstiåtte (sixty and eight)
  • 75: Syttifem (seventy and five)
  • 89: Nittiåtte (ninety and eight)

It's important to note that, unlike in English, the unit and ten are written as one word in Norwegian when forming numbers from 21 to 99. This can initially be challenging for learners, but understanding and practicing this rule significantly aids in mastering Norwegian counting.

To effectively learn and remember these numbers, engaging with practical exercises and real-life applications is beneficial. This can include counting objects, practicing with price amounts, or using dates and times in Norwegian. Additionally, repetition and listening to these numbers in context—such as in Norwegian media or language learning apps—can improve pronunciation and comprehension.

Another useful strategy is to break down the numbers into their component parts (the tens and the units) and practice forming various combinations. This not only helps in memorizing the numbers but also in understanding the logical structure behind the Norwegian numbering system.

Tips for Memorizing Norwegian Numbers

Memorizing numbers in a new language, including Norwegian from 1 to 100, can be a daunting task for learners. However, adopting effective strategies can significantly ease this process, enhancing both retention and recall. This section offers practical tips for memorizing Norwegian numbers, aimed at facilitating a deeper understanding and fluency in numerical communication.

1. Utilize Repetition and Spaced Repetition

Repetition is a fundamental technique in language learning, particularly effective for numerical memorization. Repeating the numbers out loud, writing them down, and listening to them in Norwegian can reinforce memory. Spaced repetition, a method involving reviewing the numbers at increasing intervals, further cements the information in long-term memory. Digital flashcards or language learning apps that employ this technique can be especially helpful.

2. Engage with Practical Applications

Applying numbers in practical, real-life contexts can enhance memorization through relevance and application. Practice counting objects, reading prices, telling time, and discussing dates in Norwegian. These activities not only aid in memorizing the numbers but also in understanding their practical use.

3. Listen and Repeat

Listening to native speakers pronounce numbers and repeating after them can improve both pronunciation and memorization. Audio resources, videos, or language exchange with native speakers offer valuable practice opportunities. Focus on the nuances of pronunciation to develop an authentic Norwegian accent.

4. Create Associations

Building associations between numbers and familiar or visually striking images, stories, or sequences can make memorization easier. This method, known as the mnemonic technique, leverages the brain's natural inclination for storytelling and imagery to enhance recall.

5. Use Language Learning Tools

Incorporate language learning tools and resources specifically designed for Norwegian. Apps, websites, and textbooks that focus on Norwegian numeracy offer structured and interactive ways to learn numbers. Many of these resources include exercises, quizzes, and games that make learning more engaging.

6. Practice Regularly

Consistent practice is key to memorization. Set aside regular time for practicing Norwegian numbers, integrating various methods and resources to keep the learning process dynamic and effective. Regular review, even after numbers have been initially memorized, ensures long-term retention.

7. Immerse Yourself in the Language

Exposure to Norwegian through media such as films, music, podcasts, and books can provide context for numbers in everyday use. This immersion technique not only aids in memorizing numbers but also in understanding their application within the broader scope of the language.


Mastering the skill of counting to 100 in Norwegian is a fundamental aspect of learning the language, serving not only as a practical tool for everyday communication but also as a gateway to deeper cultural understanding and linguistic proficiency. Through the structured approach and strategic learning techniques outlined in this guide, learners are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the Norwegian numerical system with confidence.

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